Upsettr plots draft script
Analysis of genetic intersect between studies.
Last updated
Analysis of genetic intersect between studies.
Last updated
Here we can see that study GLDS-218 has 3714 significanty differnentially expressed genes. While the next large intersect group was the -218 and -38
Code Overview
python ```
data <- read.csv("upset.csv")
expressed = c() for (colname in colnames(data)){ if (grepl("GLDS", colname, fixed = TRUE) && !grepl("Expression", colname, fixed = TRUE)){ expressed <- c(expressed, colname) } }
upset(data, sets=expressed)
ggplot(data=expressions, aes(x=Total, y=n, fill=GLDS218Expression)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + theme_minimal()
kable(expressions) %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = F)
table_df %>% kable(format = "html", escape = F) %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = F) %>% row_spec(0, bold = T, color = "black", background = "#FFFFF") %>% scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "1000px")